Saturday, June 12, 2010

12th day of fasting!

So this week is just driving me crazy
Tuesday: sat and watched dad and friend eat at Chinese buffet
Thursday: sat and watched dad and friend eat at golden corral
Friday: sat and watched siblings eat at Milton's pizza and pasta

So now more than ever I beg everyone to make sure they are calling Kay Hagan once everyday and get your friends and family to also call!!
DC office: 202.224.6342 "Hi my name is ___, my zip-code is 27_ _ _ and I'm calling because I want to urge my senator to co-sponsor the DREAM Act and remind you that my friends Carla Mena and Nelly Andrade are on their 12th day of fasting because you won't become a co-sponsor so all of my friends can to go to college. thank you"

Also please write her a simple message everyday and also spread the word to everyone you can!! "Hi my name is ___, my zip-code is 27_ _ _ and I'm writing because I want to urge my senator to co-sponsor the DREAM Act and remind you that my friends Carla Mena and Nelly Andrade are on their 12th day of fasting because you won't become a co-sponsor so all of my friends can to go to college. thank you"

Nelly Andrade

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