Tuesday, June 8, 2010

fasting for the DREAMers who should be in my classroom

My name is Emily Cabaniss. I am an American citizen, and I support the DREAM Act. I have been fasting for the last two days in solidarity with the thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are fighting for their right to continue contributing to the only country they have ever called home.

Why am I doing this? Because I believe in the principles of fairness, equality, and compassion. I believe these young people should be able to hold their heads high, come out of the shadows, and participate fully in every aspect of the country they are helping to build.

I teach sociology to college students. I teach them about inequality, oppression, and social change. I also teach them that change doesn't just happen; it doesn't just come with time. Change only happens when people come together, take action, and demand that things be different. This is just what those who are calling for the DREAM Act are doing.

Many undocumented immigrants are leading this charge, even though they are systematically denied the same opportunities to participate in U.S. society that their American peers take for granted. If they were in my classes, they would be showing ME and everyone else through their words and their actions how to make this country a more just and humane place for all of us. We need these young people in our classes and in our community. We need their energy, their passion, their compassion, and their hope. I admire the courage and determination and focus of these young people, and it is my privilege and my obligation to stand with them and help get the DREAM Act passed now.

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