Saturday, June 12, 2010

12th day of fasting!

So this week is just driving me crazy
Tuesday: sat and watched dad and friend eat at Chinese buffet
Thursday: sat and watched dad and friend eat at golden corral
Friday: sat and watched siblings eat at Milton's pizza and pasta

So now more than ever I beg everyone to make sure they are calling Kay Hagan once everyday and get your friends and family to also call!!
DC office: 202.224.6342 "Hi my name is ___, my zip-code is 27_ _ _ and I'm calling because I want to urge my senator to co-sponsor the DREAM Act and remind you that my friends Carla Mena and Nelly Andrade are on their 12th day of fasting because you won't become a co-sponsor so all of my friends can to go to college. thank you"

Also please write her a simple message everyday and also spread the word to everyone you can!! "Hi my name is ___, my zip-code is 27_ _ _ and I'm writing because I want to urge my senator to co-sponsor the DREAM Act and remind you that my friends Carla Mena and Nelly Andrade are on their 12th day of fasting because you won't become a co-sponsor so all of my friends can to go to college. thank you"

Nelly Andrade

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Still on my fasting jouney!!

I'm still fasting and I'm still hoping you guys are calling our Senator Kay Hagan everyday!! I have a major headache right now and I'm starting to miss my daily meals even though I don't get hungry anymore!=]

Peace out with much love

Nelly Andrade

Hungry for the DREAM Act!

I started my 65 hour fast on Tuesday at Midnight for the DREAM Act. I am almost done fasting. But the truth is that there were times where I felt like giving up but then i thought of the students in New York, who having been fasting for over 9 days to get Senator Schumer to advocate for the DREAM Act as a stand alone bill. I also thought about Nelly and Carla from Raleigh, who have been fasting for almost two weeks for the DREAM Act. All over the country, students and allies are escalating their actions because that is how true change happens. It gave me strength to continue on.
History has taught us that there is always a tipping point, when people have had enough of the injustices happening in their communities. Our turn is coming very soon, if it has not happened yet. But we CANNOT do it alone. We need YOUR SUPPORT!!

I'm fasting because I believe that the DREAM can and will pass if we all call our senators and representatives and make sure they know that the states they represent are affected by undocumented students not be able to contribute back to their communities. It nothing is done soon, we will have a lost generation of potential surgeons, engineers, architects, teachers, business leaders, lawyer and on. This will be tragic for our history. Not to mention that history will judge us for our actions and especially inactions.
So I ask you, if you really support the DREAM Act, have you called your senator to tell them that we are fasting? If you are not, we are starving for NOTHING!
Please CALL!!! It will take at most 3 minutes of your time!

Here are Kay Hagan's office numbers:

D.C.: 202-224-6342

Greensboro: 336-333-5311

Raleigh: 919-856-4630

Save a lost generation!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ya son 9 diaz en huelga de hambre!!

Hoy he decidido escribir en nuestro Blogger en español porque he notado que hay muchos hispanos por ahí que no les han informado de lo que se está haciendo para conseguir que la Senadora Kay Hagan patrocine el D.R.E.A.M. Act.
Hay muchas personas que ahora han ayudado durante aproximadamente 65 horas cada uno para representar a los 65,000 jóvenes indocumentados que se gradúan de la high school, pero no puede ir a la universidad por falta de un seguro sosial. En total la huelga de hambre de estas personas sedria 1.5 millones de segundos (2 semanas 3 días 8 horas 40 minutos) para representar al 1.5 millones de personas que se beneficiarían con el D.R.E.A.M. Act. Su huelga de ellos terminará el día 14 así que por favor asegúrese de que están llamando a nuestra senadora todos los días para recordarle de estos jóvenes que son el futuro americano!
Luego estamos Carla Mena y yo que estamos en en huelga de hambre cada una por el tiempo entero de 1.5 millones de segundos (2 semanas 3 días 8 horas 40 minutos) desde el primero de este mes! Así que por favor no se les olvide de llamar a nuestra senadora que nuestra huelga de hambre termina el 18en la noche.
Ninguno de nosotros vamos a parar de luchar hasta que ella deje de tomar los
sueños de estos jovenes que no conosen ningun otro lugar mas que los Estados Unidos!!

Nelly Andrade

I'm fasting for 1.5 million dreams

About 24 hours ago I started a 65 hour fast that will last until Thursday at noon. I decided to fast because I firmly believe that every student deserves the right to the highest level of education according to his/her work and commitment. I support the DREAM Act because, despite the fact that this legislation is not the solution to the broader immigration issue our country is facing, it would ‘legalize’ the dreams of 1.5 million youth who were brought to this country at a young age, who have gone to U.S. schools and who see this country as their home. The DREAM Act would give 1.5 million youth the opportunity to become the doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, teachers, social workers & professionals our country needs. I recognize that this piece of legislation is at a critical point given that it was introduced for the 3rd time in 2009 and that if it doesn’t become a law this year it would practically die.

For the past weeks, I have felt deeply inspired by our youth who are working so hard to convince Senator Hagan to become a Co-Sponsor of the DREAM Act. Some youth have even decided to make a huge sacrifice and fast for 1.5 million seconds because they firmly believe that education should be recognized as a human right for ALL. The hard work of these youth, and youth thought the country, has filled me with hope and inspiration. I am convinced that TOGETHER we can move the DREAM Act forward.

I am NOT fasting for 65 hours to urge Senator Hagan to Co-Sponsor the DREAM Act; I am abstaining from food to urge those who care about the future of our youth to take action by calling Senator Hagan’s offices and leaving a message for her saying that youth and community members in NC are fasting for the DREAM Act and that you urge her to become a Co-Sponsor of the DREAM Act.

Those of us fasting need you to call Senator Hagan and ask her to become a Co-Sponor of the DREAM Act.  Call her now:
  • DC office: 202-224-6342
  • Greensboro office: 336-333-5311
  • Raleigh office: 919-856-4630
  • Charlotte office: 704-334-2448
  • Ashville office: 828-257-6510
  • Greenville office: 252-754-0707 

fasting for the DREAMers who should be in my classroom

My name is Emily Cabaniss. I am an American citizen, and I support the DREAM Act. I have been fasting for the last two days in solidarity with the thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are fighting for their right to continue contributing to the only country they have ever called home.

Why am I doing this? Because I believe in the principles of fairness, equality, and compassion. I believe these young people should be able to hold their heads high, come out of the shadows, and participate fully in every aspect of the country they are helping to build.

I teach sociology to college students. I teach them about inequality, oppression, and social change. I also teach them that change doesn't just happen; it doesn't just come with time. Change only happens when people come together, take action, and demand that things be different. This is just what those who are calling for the DREAM Act are doing.

Many undocumented immigrants are leading this charge, even though they are systematically denied the same opportunities to participate in U.S. society that their American peers take for granted. If they were in my classes, they would be showing ME and everyone else through their words and their actions how to make this country a more just and humane place for all of us. We need these young people in our classes and in our community. We need their energy, their passion, their compassion, and their hope. I admire the courage and determination and focus of these young people, and it is my privilege and my obligation to stand with them and help get the DREAM Act passed now.

Monday, June 7, 2010

8days into my fasting!!

Still fasting along with Carla Mena and still waiting for my senator Kay Hagan to become a co-sponsor of the D.R.E.A.M. Act!! I feel normal, I'm living my normal life, but I do have constant back aches and I have easily been running out of breath and getting dizzy. As my friends have to give up their education mi companera y yo have gave up our daily meals so please make sure you are calling our senator's office everyday I don't care what time it is if you have to leave a voicemail go ahead and do so...
Hi my name is ___. My zipcode is 27_ _ _. The reason of my call is because I want to urge my senator to co-sponsor the DREAM Act because my friends Carla Mena & Nelly Andrade are still fasting their 1.5million seconds which is 2weeks 3days 8hrs 40mins!! The reason for the 1.5million is to represent the amount of people who would benefit from the DREAM Act.
thank you!

Don't let her take away the dreams of those that know no other home than the United States!!

Nelly Andrade